In order to get the full experience, Click "play" on the youtube video supplied at the bottom, You will not regret it, its a great song.

To begin, I was born at a young age. I was raised by the sea, wading and drowning in very shallow bodies of water. I was never fazed by how the little crabs nipped at my legs or how the baby schools of fish would diverge around my ankles.

i cannot emphasize this enough, but I am trying NOT to be dramatic, pretentious, or verbose...... This was simply my childhood.

I always held a deep understanding and connection towards the ocean as a kid, grabbing tiny fish by the fist and throwing rocks at sea slugs..... Of course. That was until i had my experience with

Magic Mushrooms

Where I decided that fish and other sea creatures had some weird society that Mimiced ours and that these weird creatures could even

Percieve me through my tv screen

recreation of my reaction to becoming recognized by the international society of fish...

Actually, i was so deeply uncomfortable with some of these moments I climbed up my couch and covered my eyes while making weird, Adam Sandler-esque noises...

This is my very plain and boring and unexciting story. I can talk about the time I was a kid alone in the ocean on a sailboat because I had decided to convert to the religion of "yuppiedom", and I was completely by myself, alone, and scared, in this regatta I really didnt want to be apart of. Well, I had some interesting run-ins with some fishes there. For one, a fish flew over my boat, which was magical. But out in the distance I could see something. Fins.... I, being the sharp nine year old I was, immediately assumed it was a shark, and everyone was going to live except me, and oh wouldn't it be tragic! I completed the race in a frenzy, running on fear and the salt on my upper lip. I was petrified. Then when I got back with the rest of my group, they all marveled at the dolphins they'd seen earlier. Oh, they were dolphins.. My entire life has been driven by artificial fear that drives me mad! This experience, along with those weird fish creatures that make eye contact with me while I sit on the couch and forget how to speak English...

Fish are marvelous for this reason!! They can drive someone like me absolutely insane just by their sheer beauty. Each sea creature is like something you've never seen before. And to think that most of the ocean is still unexplored, & were still finding new species often... Fish are so hypnotically foreign, it makes you wonder why anyone would ever waste their time searching for life on Mars to oggle at when we have our own "Weird Fishes" on earth..

Reminder that I have absolutely no scholarly knowledge on any of these things, if you haven't noticed. For one, I keep calling them "fish". I don't want anyone to harsh my buzz, I am passionate about something I want to learn as little as possible about, Is it okay for one to admire from afar without having to know each and every inner working of a fish's labia or you name it.. I write for the people.

In other words...

fish are way cool