my story swimmers sea floor on land blog misc/fun Credit Where credits due

warning that this website is a constant work in progress. also Please be mindful there is youtube song suggestions at the bottom for added experience thank you.

latest update:

aug 29, "My Story" Page added. It rawx. Still no fish?! HA!

alrite, lets get this goin up and runnin now, aug 28, homepage is complete. still non working links.!

Welcome to Jocko Land.

Jocko Land focuses on sea creature of all types. Here you will find writings and information all about different types of aquatic life from all around the globe. You will also find a whole lot of nonsense

To warn you: I am not a professional. I have fished and I've viewed their beauty from afar, but I don't know jack about the inner workings of a fish.

Enjoy your time

Music Player: song-Boards of Canada-I Will Get it Tattooed.
By the way, I do not own any of these images. I will give proper credit on another area of my site.